Supporting the local community through environmental rehabilitation
Merlog became concerned about the state of the open land along Harrison Flats. It was increasingly being used as a dumping ground, being mined for sand and becoming overgrown with alien invasive vegetation. This made it unpleasant and unsafe for the many community members who walk through it and unsuitable as a site for grazing. Having received approval from the Municipality (and with support of the local councillor) Merlog has led efforts to rehabilitate and conserve the land.
To date Merlog has removed 340m3 of rubbish and moved the useable dumped material into the areas mined for sand. The entrances have been blocked to prevent further dumping and signs erected. This has already made it safer and more pleasant for the community to walk through. The plan is to continue rehabilitation efforts by removing the alien invasive plants and replanting damaged areas with natural grasses.
NCP Chlorchem and Cosworth Carriers have generously supported these efforts and local business Msenge Environmental Landscapes did the clearing work. The Hammarsdale Cato Ridge Development Association, which Merlog is a founding member of, is coordinating the project.
Please use the following link for further information on this worthy project: